Something big would happen, but what???

My personal life shifted dramatically as did many of my friends. Those of us who learned how to accept and flow with the changes survived like rafters hitting the rapids but others capsized.
Early November of 2003 came another wave of "Alignments" with Harmonic Concordance.
Now we heading for that magical moment 2012 December Solstice. Over the next ten years the worlds awareness of this solstice alignment will move well beyond the current new-ager circles it has been circulated in. Hollywood gets on the bandwagon and does not miss this opportunity to grandize the fear.
Now with the growing involvement of youtube and the internet in general the small percentage of those who are in the know grows to world wide proportions.By the mid 2000's it was difficult to find anyone who had not at least heard about the Solstice of 2012.
We arrive just in time for another rare alignment
I watch it from my rooftop wrapped in blankets on a not so cold evening.
As the moment nears I wonder what special event will I be called to attend this time.While I am in Mexico I am meeting many special people and even some Mayans , who are not traditionally from the area I live in.There are big events planned of course, but I do not feel drawn to attend any of them. I ask friends around the country what they are doing and I a find that I am not alone in my nebulous plans. Every one I talk to seems to feel open but nothing in particular has presented it self to them. Many friends claim they have NO IDEA about what or where they will be for the Solstice only a few months away. and neither do I.
I decide to not look for a plan but like the other major events just allow it to unfold and trust whatever shows up.
He arranges for me to be on the ship beginning on December 3 and he is vague about the ending but suggests that it may be near or on the 21st of Dec. I do not feel concern as he suggests something will work out. Yes there is that trust . Something will happen but what we do not know in that moment.He has also arranged for his father, Randy to come and share the same cabin with me during some of this time.Randy and I have not been in the same bedroom for more than 20 years. This is not at all what I envisioned for that special moment but as I have learned to flow .And after all we are all together, along with the latest member of our spiritual family, my son's Russian girlfriend, Natalia. The evening of the 20th we enjoy our last night together with and elegant meal together in one of the ships great restaurants.
A few weeks before as I walked the streets of the Mexican town I live in I found the most beautiful black butterfly with shiny blue spots on its wings. I had slipped it into a book that I just happened to bring along to read on the airplane.
I held the tamarind seeds. They were mini packages of new life and I projected all the potentials of my future new life into them as I tossed then into the ocean.
As for the black butterfly, I released her into the breeze as a symbol of regeneration. She would carry all my negativity of the past and symbolize my openness to renewal . My heart filled with gratitude for these past few weeks with my spiritual family. The next day Dec. 21, 2012 we would be scattering across the continent again, but in this brief moment of time we were magically together for a quiet heartfelt time.
I was grateful beyond words for allowing this master plan to unfold just the way it was intended to . In 1987. the time of the Harmonic Convergence I was with Randy and in 2003 the time of the Harmonic Concordance I was with Antwan. I believe the imprint and entanglement of our consciousness in the larger scheme of things brought us together again in this moment.
I spend the rest of the Solstice day alone in Orlando not far from the site of Harmonic Concordance or 2003.
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