The Surrealist Life

The Surrealist Life

Monday, July 2, 2012


Definition: Surreal

a 20th century movement of artists and writers
An Actual Party I went to here in San Miguel. That's me descending the staircase with  the mosaic snake railing
 who used fantastic images

and incongruous juxtapositions
A rather plumpish nun in front of a candy stand for Day of the Dead treats.

A wedding party with a decorated donkey. very large puppets and a  mariachi band

 in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreams
A woman sitting in an outdoor restaurant with her 2 chihauhau's 
In the first few weeks in Mexico it was a tremendous assault on the senses. The brain had a hard time taking it all in. 
I recently saw the movie " The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" . There was alot of similarities how 7 older folks adjusted to life in India. The narrator blogs about life that saying that learning to adjust is alot like riding a wave. You learn to flow with it or it overwhelms you. In the beginning weeks of living in Mexico my mind constantly searched for meaning of what I saw and heard. It was exhausting until I learned to ride the wave.

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